Monthly Archives: July 2023

Westron Wynde



Duration: 8’45”

Scored for four clarinets, organ, piano and strings, Westron Wynde is is a contemplation derived from the Sanctus from John Sheppard’s mass of the same name. The music unfolds across three panels and depicts a vast empty landscape. Two brief extracts from Sheppard’s Sanctus can be heard as the music progresses, the first stated by the clarinets, the second, at a distance, by a string quartet.

… some become stars …


Eight Violas

Duration 4′

Originally written for piano as part of a set of two short pieces  … some become stars … also exists as a piece eight violas: versions for eight violoncellos and string orchestra also existi.

It is an evocation of the stillness of the night sky and the wonders of the stars above us, so often hidden in our increasingly urban landscape. The eight instruments playing together allows them to play and breathe as one voice in a music that seeks to calm the soul and provide respite.

Scores and parts are available upon request.

… some become stars … also exists in a version for eight violoncellos

In Autumn

(2010, 2016, 2023)

for orchestra (strings, flutes & piccolos)

Duration: 11’11”

In autumn is a piece for string orchestra with flutes and piccolos. It is an evocation of a woodland scene in late autumn in the pre-Appenini mountains of central Italy, specifically an area named Forca d’Acero which is a high mountain pass (1500m) on the border between Lazio and Abbruzzo: an evocative woodland landscape.